About the course

This is a substantial course which comprehensively covers the subject of mobile development with RAD Studio. There's a lot to learn!

We've split the course into two sections. The first section takes you through the fundamentals of mobile development with RAD Studio, discusses various things you need to know to get started, takes you through getting registered with Apple and Google so you can publish your apps and get access to the necessary SDKs.

Section one also looks at things like FireMonkey FMX which is the user interface framework you use to create the screens for your mobile apps and takes you through a very quick introduction to the InterBase database management system so we can store and retrieve data in our apps.

By the end of section one you will have created a very simple test app and been able to deploy it to a mobile device.

Section two takes you beyond the fundamentals and looks at the skills to create a good-looking professional user interface for your mobile apps, how multi-device development works so you can write your code once and then have it work on iOS and Android devices from that same project (a particular strength of RAD Studio). It also covers specific techniques like PDF creation, sharing files to social media, accessing data sources, and generally all the things you need when creating mobile apps for real.

Both parts one and two of the course are available now.

NOTE: Mobile device development is a fast-moving subject, and we will try not to, but we may need to change sections of the course, add new content, and remove planned topics, or alter the exact subject matter to cater for this.

We hope you enjoy the course. Mobile app development can be a very rewarding and satisfying activity - you're taking your first steps on the road to mastering it!

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